The Use of Dental Almagam Fillings

The World Health Organization has come to the conclusion that a global ban on the use of amalgam will be problematic for economic and logistical reasons. So it has recommended a gradual decrease in the use of amalgam.

WHO Mercury and Health

A document published on the FDA website, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, describes the dangers of amalgam in an effort to encourage and persuade the head of the administration to ban the use of amalgam. The document specifically mentions amalgam as a cause of neurological diseases.

A review with an impressive scope (78 pages, about 500 references), on the FDA website, outlines the ways mercury from a dental source causes various chronic diseases.

Testimonials were given to the FDA on the harm caused by mercury from a dental source.

Studies on the toxicity of amalgam:

Review of 70 studies on toxicity of amalgam

Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions

An information video explains several studies on the seepage of mercury from filling into the body. At minute 4:16 the video shows an experiment on monkeys. Fillings with mercury were marked with a radioactive isotope. Within about 30 days of the filings being inserted a significant accumulation of mercury in the kidneys, intestines, and other organs was demonstrated with the use of an MRI.

Whole-body imaging of the distribution of mercury released from dental fillings into monkey tissues.

Mercury detox, with and without infusion with chelating agent, here (H).