Leaky Gut protocol

Tom Obrian:

Vitamin D
Fish Oil 3gr per day
Zinc carnosine 2X75 mg /day

use coconut oil – oil pulling  , for mouth higene, especially against gingivalis


list of leaky gut treatment options on slefhacked

see also postt on colostrun, here

in normal physiology, glutamine plays a key role in signalling in enterocytes that are part of the intestinal barrier, but it is not clear if supplementing the diet with glutamine is helpful in conditions where there is increased intestinal permeability.[27]

Prebiotics and certain probiotics such as Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 have been found to reduce increased intestinal permeability.[9] Lactobacillus rhamnosus,[28] Lactobacillus reuteri,[28] and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii[29] have also been shown to significantly reduce increased intestinal permeability.

Larazotide acetate (previously known as AT-1001) is a zonulin receptor antagonist that has been probed in clinical trials. It seems to be a drug candidate for use in conjunction with a gluten-free diet in people with celiac disease, with the aim to reduce the intestinal permeability caused by gluten and its passage through the epithelium, and therefore mitigating the resulting cascade of immune reactions.[25][30] read more>>