Oral Glutamine Increases Circulating GLP-1, Glucagon and Insulin Levels in Lean, Obese and Type 2 Diabetic Subjects

Glutamine effectively increases circulating GLP-1, GIP and insulin levels in vivo and may represent a novel therapeutic approach to stimulating insulin secretion in obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Keywords: GLP-1, GIP, glucagon, insulin secretion, glutamine

Source: Oral Glutamine Increases Circulating GLP-1, Glucagon and Insulin Levels in Lean, Obese and Type 2 Diabetic Subjects

Know What’s in the Supplements you Buy

Labdoor buys supplements from retail stores and tests them in chemistry labs then publishes the results with expert reviews. They offer free lab reports with no manufacturer bias. Each supplement is independently tested so that you can be sure of the safety of the products you buy. Find out what’s really in your supplement without false claims. You often see products that are “endorsed by celebs”, claim to be “maximum strength”, or are “recommended by doctors” but have not been tested and are low quality.

Source: Labdoor

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Source: ConsumerLab.com