Source: Search: centogene.com
Exercise Hormone Halts Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms – Neuroscience News
Irisin, a hormone secreted into the blood during high endurance and aerobic exercise, reduces levels of alpha-synuclein and restores movement in mouse models of Parkinson’s disease.
Source: Exercise Hormone Halts Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms – Neuroscience News
Sleep on your left side for better brain detox
clinical trial to show this does not exist yet, but animal model do and the mechanism is there
Sleep contributes to the maintenance of overall health and well-being. There are a growing number of patients who have headache disorders that are significantly affected by poor sleep. This is a paradoxical relationship, whereby sleep deprivation or excess sleep leads to a worsening of headaches, yet sleep onset also alleviates ongoing headache pain. Currently, the mechanism of action remains controversial and poorly understood. The glymphatic system is a newly discovered perivascular network that encompasses the whole brain and is responsible for removing toxic proteins and waste metabolites from the brain as well as replenishing nutrition and energy. Recent studies have suggested that glymphatic dysfunction is a common underlying etiology of sleep disorders and headache pain. This study reviews the current literature on the relationship between the glymphatic system, sleep, and headaches, discusses their roles, and proposes acupuncture as a non-invasive way to focus on the glymphatic function to improve sleep quality and alleviate headache pain.
Source: Glymphatic System Dysfunction: A Novel Mediator of Sleep Disorders and Headaches
The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport
We propose that the most popular sleep posture (lateral) has evolved to optimize waste removal during sleep and that posture must be considered in diagnostic imaging procedures developed in the future to assess CSF-ISF transport in humans.
The rodent brain removes waste better during sleep or anesthesia compared with the awake state. Animals exhibit different body posture during the awake and sleep states, which might affect the brain’s waste removal efficiency. We investigated the influence of body posture on brainwide transport of i …
Source: The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport – PubMed
r/Parkinsons – I am going to try an inhaled levodopa, anyone with experience with inbrija?
DhivyTM, a carbidopa/levodopa fractionated tablet, is now available | American Parkinson Disease Association
A new formulation of carbidopa/levodopa 25/100, called DhivyTM, is now available. Manufactured by Avion Pharmaceuticals, its innovation is that it is scored into four sections allowing the pill to be easily cut into four equal parts. Each part contains 6.25 mg of carbidopa and 25 mg of levodopa. The medication was approved by the US […]
Metformin Prevents Nigrostriatal Dopamine Degeneration Independent of AMPK Activation in Dopamine Neurons – PMC
PD – Reduce Alpha-synuclein level, experimental protocol
Misfolded Alpha synuclein protein accumulate into aggregates (oligomers) and damage host cell. PD patients brain cells tend to express alpha synuclein in large amounts, Alpha-synucleinis assumed to have a role in the disease process, reducing Alpha-synuclein level may prevent neuron death and delay or reverse the disease process More information >> [20]
The goal here is to normalize Alpha-synuclein level by using a simple protocol
Some notes:
- Evidence is limited
- Most references to the available evidence, is to scientific articles/research
- Some “how to” information on healthline.com also linked to aid implementation
- The challenge – decision making under conditions of uncertainty (meaning – evidence is partial, what do you do?).
- The solution (hopefully) – use a collection of tools, each with limited evidence, while probably not all work, most likely some will work
The protocol:
1 – Sweating – 3 liters/day or so, research show that Alpha-synuclein accumulate around sweat glands, it seems safe to assume that Alpha-synuclein is secreted via the sweat glands [18], [1]
2 – Alpha-synuclein is also secreted in the urine, so you can detox by drinking a lot and using mild diuretics e.g. parsley [2]
3 – Probiotics Bacillus Subtillis PXN21, “eats” Alpha-synuclein in the gut, this probiotics is in the market for a number of years, it’s probably safe Successful experiment in animal model(worms) [3].
Note: several bacteria species ( Lactobacillus and Enterococcus) interact with Levodopa ,and so , limit production of dopamine in the brain
4 – Optimise detox at the cell level (from the cell, out), raise glutathione level ( intravenous or suppository glutatyon or eat the precursors e.g sulfur found in eggs and cruciferous vegetables).
Glutathione has other benefits( master detoxifier, master anti oxidant), so it’s a good idea to boost it anyway [19].
How to increase glutathione by Mark Hayman [17]
More ways to increase glutathione [4].
5 –
Sleep issues may have an adverse effect on brain detox processes, in particular on alpha synuclein clearance [6].
Most of the brain detox is done by the Glymphatic System during sleep, give it time, 7-8 hours of sleep, don’t go to sleep to late. More information [7].
6 – Improve autophagy by intermittent fasting, preferably keto-fast – meaning a ketogenic diet in a 12 hours or less, daily eating window Ketogenic diet induced autophagy [8].
7- Alpha synuclein is found in Vertebras e.g cow, pig, chicken. Those molecules are almost identical to the human Alpha-synuclein, but not 100% identical, and may have a role in creating a pathology, much like in prion infection, more information >>[9].
Consider avoiding vertebrates, especially brain, bone merrow, bone broth.
Eggs – OK, as far as I checked.
8 – Mannitol
Mannitol was shown to inhibit formation of Alpha-synuclein oligomers[10], and there are anecdotal improvement reports of PD patients.
A clinical experiment (n=36) did not show significant improvement
You can add Mannitol to your diet in the dosage used in the experiment – start with 2.5 gram 2 times a day, gradually increase to 9 grams 2 times a day.
Why use Mannitol if the experiment showed no improvement ?
If, for example, subjects have existing damage(accumulated before the experiment), but new damage build up is slowed by say 50%, that’s very good, but the subjects will not experience any improvement. Maybe after a long time, difference relative to the control group will begin to show
9 – HSP – Heat shock proteins
Heat shock proteins – are listed here as they slow down or inhibit the formation of Alpha-synuclein oligomers.
The level of HSP in the body rise in response to adverse conditions (ice bath, sauna…intense exercise)
Sulforaphane- a compound found mostly in broccoli sprouts, also increase level of HSP. Sulforaphane is available in supplement form
Sulforaphaneis also beneficial to brain health as it reduces inflammation, increase anti oxidant activity and more [13], so it’s a good idea to use it anyway.
Mannitol also increase HSP level, this is one of the suggested mechanisms of action that explain why it inhibits creation of Alpha-synuclein oligomers, and generally improves PD [11].
More information on Sulforaphane >>
HSP27 binds Alpha synuclein >>[14]
Sulforaphane increase level of HSP27 >> [15]
also Sulforaphane increase level of HSP70 >>
10 – High intensity exercise
Irisin, a hormone secreted into the blood during high endurance and aerobic exercise, reduces levels of alpha-synuclein and restores movement in mouse models of PD [22]
Clinical research showing beneficial effect of high intensity exercise in PD patients [23]
11 – Ambroxol – an over-the-counter cough syrup
One of the major genetic risk factors believed to contribute to the development of PD is having a mutation in the gene called GBA1 (glucocerebrosidase). Unable to do its job correctly, this damaged gene leads to the build-up of unhealthy, misfolded clumps of alpha-synuclein in the brain. These clumps, called Lewy bodies, impact dopamine production and are the hallmark of PD.
A 2020 study published in JAMA Neurology, titled, “Ambroxol for the Treatment of Patients with Parkinson Disease with and Without Glucocerebrosidase Gene Mutations: A Nonrandomized, Noncontrolled Trial” (Mullin et al., 2020), investigated whether an over-the-counter cough syrup, called Ambroxol, may be the key. [24]
12 – Mega dose, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine),
Vitamin B1, especially in high dose, improve PD status according to a number of studies, one mechanism of action is reduction of Alpha-synuclein [24]
What to expect ?
If there is existing damage, and the protocol manage to stop/delay/reduce further damage, e.g. by 100%, this would be a significant achievement, but will not show as reduced symptoms (assuming n=1, meaning you tried it on yourself and you don’t have a control group etc).
A healthy person loose about 1% of its dopaminergic neurons every adult year, this will not present symptoms as symptoms start showing when 80% or more of the dopaminergic capacity is gone
Not saying this to discourage, I believe the protocol worth the effort, and can by you time. I believe solutions based on gene therapy and stem cell technology will be available soon.
Measuring Alpha-synuclein level require biopsy, we don’t have this technology available, but based on what we know from animal models, the protocol should work, at list some of it.
Besides it’s effect on Alpha-synuclein, the protocol is expected to improve brain health through several mechanisms including reduced inflammation, normalizing heavy metals and other toxins, reduce oxidative stress, improved insulin sensitivity… So…good idea to try it anyway.
One more thing, a quote from coacher Tony Robins –
Take Massive Action
What do you think ? feedback welcome, please comment below
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Want to try it ? good luck ! ( needless to say, it’s your responsibility )
Please fill free to contact with any issue
This TED talk ___ suggests that misfolded alpha-synuclein aggregates are not a problem as long as normal alpha-synuclein is abundant, is this claim is correct, the above protocol should be avoided
I collected the above set of tools, as they directly affect alpha-synuclein. Nevertheless, most those are very popular general health tools e.g IM fasting, Keto, detox, sleep cycle compatible with circadian rhythm, Glutathione, Heat shock protein…
So, since they are popular, they seem to be safe.
[1] –
Gibbons, C. H., J. Garcia, N. Wang, L. C. Shih, and R. Freeman, 2016, The diagnostic discrimination of cutaneous α-synuclein deposition in Parkinson disease: Neurology, v. 87, no. 5, p. 505–512, doi:10.1212/wnl.0000000000002919.
[2] –
Giri, B., M. Seamon, A. Banerjee, S. Chauhan, S. Purohit, J. Morgan, B. Baban, and C. Wakade, 2021, Emerging urinary alpha-synuclein and miRNA biomarkers in Parkinson’s disease: Metabolic Brain Disease, v. 37, no. 6, p. 1687–1696, doi:10.1007/s11011-021-00735-2.
[3] –
Probiotic Bacillus subtilis Protects against α-Synuclein Aggregation -, 2022: <healthlinks.cc/probiotic-bacillus-subtilis-protects-against-%ce%b1-synuclein-aggregation/> (accessed October 6, 2022).
[4] –
Berkheiser, K., 2018, 10 Natural Ways to Increase Your Glutathione Levels: Healthline Media: <www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-to-increase-glutathione#TOC_TITLE_HDR_4> (accessed October 6, 2022).
[5] –
Perfeito, R., M. Ribeiro, and A. C. Rego, 2016, Alpha-synuclein-induced oxidative stress correlates with altered superoxide dismutase and glutathione synthesis in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells: Archives of Toxicology, v. 91, no. 3, p. 1245–1259, doi:10.1007/s00204-016-1788-6.
[6] –
Sundaram, S., R. L. Hughes, E. Peterson, E. M. Müller-Oehring, H. M. Brontë-Stewart, K. L. Poston, A. Faerman, C. Bhowmick, and T. Schulte, 2019, Establishing a framework for neuropathological correlates and glymphatic system functioning in Parkinson’s disease: Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, v. 103, p. 305–315, doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2019.05.016.
[7] –
Raypole, C., 2020, How to “Detox” Your Brain (Hint: It’s Easier Than You Think): Healthline Media: <www.healthline.com/health/brain-detox> (accessed October 6, 2022).
[8] –
Lindberg, S., 2018, Autophagy: What You Need to Know: Healthline Media: <www.healthline.com/health/autophagy#diet:~:text=In%20response%20to%20this%20restriction%2C%20your%20body%20will%20begin%20to%20start%20producing%20ketone%20bodies%20that%20have%20many%20protective%20effects.%20Khorana%20says%20studies%20suggest%20that%20ketosis%20can%20also%20cause%20starvation%2Dinduced%20autophagy%2C%20which%20has%20neuroprotective%20functions.> (accessed October 6, 2022).
[9] –
[10] –
Linetsky, E., S. Abd Elhadi, M. Bauer, A. Gallant, M. Namnah, S. Weiss, D. Segal, R. Sharon, and D. Arkadir, 2022, Safety and Tolerability, Dose-Escalating, Double-Blind Trial of Oral Mannitol in Parkinson’s Disease: Frontiers in Neurology, v. 12, doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.716126.
[11] –
Linetsky, E., S. Abd Elhadi, M. Bauer, A. Gallant, M. Namnah, S. Weiss, D. Segal, R. Sharon, and D. Arkadir, 2022, Safety and Tolerability, Dose-Escalating, Double-Blind Trial of Oral Mannitol in Parkinson’s Disease: Frontiers in Neurology, v. 12, doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.716126.
[12] –
[13] –
Sulforaphane, which is high in broccoli sprouts, clears away brain amyloid plaques and tau tangles and ameliorated memory defects in mice., 2019: <www.foundmyfitness.com/news/s/emuzn7/sulforaphane_which_is_high_in_broccoli_sprouts_clears_away_brain_amyloid_plaques_and_tau_tangles_and_ameliorated_memory_defects_in_mice/comments/gsmrq4#:~:text=To%20learn%20more,jed%2Dw%2Dfahey> (accessed October 6, 2022).
[14] –
Cox, D., D. R. Whiten, J. W. P. Brown, M. H. Horrocks, R. San Gil, C. M. Dobson, D. Klenerman, A. M. van Oijen, and H. Ecroyd, 2018, The small heat shock protein Hsp27 binds α-synuclein fibrils, preventing elongation and cytotoxicity: Journal of Biological Chemistry, v. 293, no. 12, p. 4486–4497, doi:10.1074/jbc.m117.813865.
[15] –
Gan, N., Y.-C. Wu, M. Brunet, C. Garrido, F.-L. Chung, C. Dai, and L. Mi, 2010, Sulforaphane Activates Heat Shock Response and Enhances Proteasome Activity through Up-regulation of Hsp27: Journal of Biological Chemistry, v. 285, no. 46, p. 35528–35536, doi:10.1074/jbc.m110.152686.
[16] –
Schepici, G., P. Bramanti, and E. Mazzon, 2020, Efficacy of Sulforaphane in Neurodegenerative Diseases: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, v. 21, no. 22, p. 8637, doi:10.3390/ijms21228637.
Hyman, M., 2010, What is Glutathione and How Do I Get More of It? – Dr. Mark Hyman: <drhyman.com/blog/2010/05/12/what-is-glutathione-and-how-do-i-get-more-of-it/> (accessed October 9, 2022).
Wang, N., C. H. Gibbons, J. Lafo, and R. Freeman, 2013, -Synuclein in cutaneous autonomic nerves: Neurology, v. 81, no. 18, p. 1604–1610, doi:10.1212/wnl.0b013e3182a9f449.
Dringen, R., 2000, Metabolism and functions of glutathione in brain: Progress in Neurobiology, v. 62, no. 6, p. 649–671, doi:10.1016/s0301-0082(99)00060-x.
Fields, C. R., N. Bengoa-Vergniory, and R. Wade-Martins, 2019, Targeting Alpha-Synuclein as a Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, v. 12, doi:10.3389/fnmol.2019.00299.
Peters, R., 2006, Ageing and the brain: Postgraduate Medical Journal, v. 82, no. 964, p. 84–88, doi:10.1136/pgmj.2005.036665.
23 –
Forced exercise 35% improvement, motor learning ? upregulate dopamine
24 – Ambroxol
25 – Vitamin B1
What Supplements to Avoid When Taking Blood Thinners | ConsumerLab.com
Find out which supplements should be avoided when taking blood thinners (anticoagulants) like warfarin (Coumadin), including vitamin K, St. John’s wort, and curcumin.
Source: What Supplements to Avoid When Taking Blood Thinners | ConsumerLab.com
the BMP5/7 protein had a significant protective effect against the misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins.
In a recent study, scientists identified a neurotrophic factor that can slow or stop some of the signs of Parkinson’s disease in mice.
Source: Protein identified that may help treat Parkinson’s disease
Pharmaceuticals | Free Full-Text | Current Therapies in Clinical Trials of Parkinson’s Disease: A 2021 Update | HTML
Current Therapies in Clinical Trials of Parkinson’s Disease: A 2021 Update
Perspective on the Road toward Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
Source: Perspective on the Road toward Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
Results from the clinical trials may at a first look seem somewhat disappointing, but have brought the field to a state that safe delivery of viral vectors into the brain is feasible. Expression of a foreign (therapeutic) gene is possible and in none of the studies, long term exposure to the transgene has led to severe adverse events. With such a progression, delivery of the silver bullet still seems within reach.
The small heat shock protein Hsp27 binds α-synuclein fibrils, preventing elongation and cytotoxicity – Journal of Biological Chemistry
The small heat shock protein Hsp27 binds α-synuclein fibrils, preventing elongation and cytotoxicity
How is alpha-synuclein cleared from the cell?
The levels and conformers of alpha-synuclein are critical in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease and related synucleinopathies. Homeostatic mechanisms in protein degradation and secretion have been identified as regulators of alpha-synuclein at different stages of its intracellular trafficking a …
Source: How is alpha-synuclein cleared from the cell? – PubMed
Emerging urinary alpha-synuclein and miRNA biomarkers in Parkinson’s disease – PubMed
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases after Alzheimer’s disease (AD), afflicting adults above the age of sixty irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, and social status. PD is characterized by motor dysfunctions, displaying resting tremor, rigidity, bradykine …
Source: Emerging urinary alpha-synuclein and miRNA biomarkers in Parkinson’s disease – PubMed
Reversing Parkinson’s Disease Using the Wim Hof Method
Hans Spaans had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. It could have broken him and destroyed his life. But he was able to turn the situation around,
Source: Reversing Parkinson’s Disease Using the Wim Hof Method
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Score and Coronary Artery Calcium Progression
Objective: To investigate whether low-carbohydrate diets (LCDs) were associated with coronary artery calcium (CAC) progression. Approach and Results: We included the participants who completed comput
Source: Low-Carbohydrate Diet Score and Coronary Artery Calcium Progression
Low carb diets – LCDs starting at a young age are associated with an increased risk of subsequent CAC progression, particularly when animal protein or fat are chosen to replace carbohydrates.
Basal Ganglia Calcification – rare
WebMD explains what Basal Ganglia Calcification is.
Sense of commeradity/brotherhood/community boost general health
Reference missing
this is a general health promoter so might be relevant for many disease conditions ( panacea), just wondering if MDMA can simulate to the body this sense or emotion and deliver the health benefits