Nattokinase as a Possible Treatment for Cardiovascular Disease

A 2018 review in the NCBI Biomarker Insights journal looks at nattokinase as a possible alternative in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease. Nattokinase (NK), the most active ingredient of natto (cheese-like food made from fermented soybeans), possesses a variety of favorable cardiovascular effects. The review looks at the pharmacological effects and mechanisms of NK in terms of fibrinolytic/antithrombotic effects, anti-atherosclerotic and lipid-lowering effects, antihypertensive effects, antiplatelet/anticoagulant effects, and neuroprotective actions. The review also lists the few clinical studies that have been done with NK. NK is registered as a nutritional supplement and not a drug. In summary, compared with traditional antithrombotic and antihypertensive drugs, NK is characterized by high safety, low cost, simple production process, oral availability, and long in vivo half-life. As such, it is expected to become a new-generation drug for thrombotic disorders or CVDs.

Source: Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative in Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases