Reduce arterial plaque

Do the following the reduce arterial plaque

Reduce APOB levels

  • Reduce weight
  • Exercise
  • Use more unsaturated fats, and less saturated fats
  • Use more unsaturated fats instead of carb
  • More soluble fibers (also as supplements)

Take Berberine supplement

Take Nattokinase supplement (mild effect)

Reduce blood pressure
Exercise (HIIT has same effect as continues exercise )
Lose body fat

Do a low carb diet

Reduce glucose spikes, e.g. do a no carb diet, checkout 10 hacks to reduce sugar spikes

The following video clear issues regarding LDL and blood vessel damage, also checkout this video with Dr Paul Salandino

* Niacin supplement does not cause heart disease

* Note benefits of statins in reducing plaque

* Reduce ApoB  – ???
* Low carb high fat diet associated with high risk of adverse cardio vascular event 

Keto damage the heart there is a controversy regarding this, Phisionic still recommends it


Eat the following 7 foods

Aged garlic extract, 2400 mg, research dosage
Kimchi 300 grams per day in the research study
Nattokinase see video on Nattokinase above, plaque measured in carotid arteries, research dose 10.8 gram per day for 1 year
Eggs – research measured carotid arteries
Cruciferous vegetables – research measured carotid arteries