Root Causes, Protocols, Category Feeds

TitleCategoriesRoot CausesConditionsSignificanceRisksInformation_qualitycategories_hfilterroot_causes_hfilterconditions_hfiltersignificance_hfilterrisk_hfilterinformation_quality_hfilter
Trichloroethylene suspected as major cause  of Idiopathic PDGeneral, PD, Root causeuncategorized pd root-cause condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
David Sinclair personal anti aging supplements protocolAging proceses, Anti Aging, NAD, Protocols, Root cause, Supplementation, , aging-proceses anti-aging nad protocols root-cause supplementation mitochondriaaging-processes mitochondria-nad mitochondriaaging pd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Aniracetam – memory boosterAD, PD, Supplementationad pd supplementation condition-specificad neurology
PD – reversible neurodegenerationMarty Hinz, Supplementation, Tyrosinemarty-hinz supplementation tyrosinepd neurology
increase stem cells release with plants supplementsPD, Stem Cell, Supplementation, pd stem-cell supplementation condition-specificaging pd neurology
Magnesium for constipationMagnesium, PD, Supplementationmagnesium pd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
supplementing PD related deficienciesPD, Supplementation, Tyrosinepd supplementation tyrosine condition-specificpd neurology
Self-Reported Health Status among 2029 Adults Consuming a Carnivore DietAutoimmunity, Carnivore Diet, Diabetes, Dietautoimmunity carnivore-diet diabetes diet condition-specific
Warfarin alternativeCardio Vascular, INR, Warferincardio-vascular inr warferin condition-specific medscardio-vascular
Magnesium oxide reduce Levodopa absorptionL- dopa, Magnesiuml-dopa magnesium supplementation
Optimize Levodopa absorptionL- dopa, PDl-dopa pd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Apixaban is not a safe warfarin substitute with mechanical aortic valveaortic valve stenosis, Mechanical aortic valve, Warferinaortic-valve-stenosis mechanical-aortic-valve warferin condition-specific meds
Reduce arterial plaqueCardio Vascular, , cardio-vascular condition-specificarteriosclerosis blood-pressure cardio-vascular
Homocysteine in PDGeneral, , uncategorizedarteriosclerosis cardio-vascular pd neurology
habenula – reduce dopaminme if exposed to bright lightSleepsleeppd neurology
Things that affect INRGeneraluncategorized
Personal supplement list – Andrew Huberman, Joe Rogan, David Synclair, Peter Attia, Ronda PatrickMeds, Supplementation, meds supplementationmitochondria-issues pd neurology
3 sweetness that don’t raise blood sugarDiabetes, Diet, Ketogenic, Sugar, diabetes diet ketogenic sugar condition-specificad pd neurology
Knee strength – knee over toes guyKneeknee
Vsel therapyPD, Stem Cellpd stem-cell condition-specificpd neurology
TMG reduce homocysteine levelHomocysteinehomocysteineblood-pressure
David Sinclair s 2024 Anti-Aging Supplement ProtocolAging proceses, Anti Aging, David Sinclair, NAD, NMN, PD, aging-proceses anti-aging david-sinclair nad nmn pd root-cause mitochondria supplementation condition-specificaging pd neurology
anti inflammatory foods (has glutamine)Generaluncategorizedpd neurology
Creatine – energy, brain energy, PD, booster, considered safeBrain energy, Creatine, Mitochondria, Supplementation, brain-energy creatine mitochondria-2 supplementationad pd neurology
Mitochondria supplementsMitochondria, PD, Supplementationmitochondria-2 pd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic dietKetogenic, Ketosis, PDketogenic ketosis pd diet condition-specificpd neurology
Reducing the Amount of Protein MisfoldingProtein misfolding, α-synucleinprotein-misfolding %ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Role of vitamins in PDAnti inflammatory, Antioxidants, PD, Supplement testing, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin K2anti-inflammatory antioxidants pd supplement-testing vitamin-b1 vitamin-b12 vitamin-c vitamin-d vitamin-k vitamin-k2 condition-specific supplementationpd neurology
PD treatment with psilocybinGeneral, Herbs, motor function, Natural alternatives, Neuroprotective, PD, Psilocybinuncategorized herbs motor-function natural-alternatives neuroprotective pd psilocybin condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Keto diet reduce PD significantly symptomsDiet, Keto for PD, Ketogenic, PDdiet keto-for-pd ketogenic pd condition-specificpd neurology
Dopamine precursorsCysteine, PD, Protocols, Tyrosinecysteine pd protocols tyrosine condition-specificpd neurology
Metformin for PDDiabetes, Meds, Metformin, PD, , , , , diabetes meds metformin pd condition-specificad aging diabetes ms neurology pd
PD is just the tip of a metabolic icebergarteriosclerosis, PD, Stem Cell, arteriosclerosis pd stem-cell condition-specificneurology pd
Magnesium in Hypertension and Cardiovascular DiseaseGeneraluncategorized
Dr Alok Sharma, India, stem cell injections to spinal fluidPD, Stem Cell, , , pd stem-cell condition-specificad ms neurology pd
Alpha synuclein and structured waterAD, PD, Water, α-synuclein, ad pd water %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specificad pd neurology
MSC Stem cell testimonialsGeneral, PD, Stem Cell, uncategorized pd stem-cell condition-specificpd pennies-improvement neurology
PD as symptom of Mitochondria issueGeneraluncategorized
Knee rehab – Knee over toes guyJoints, Kneejoints kneejoint-issues
Nutritional deficiencies cause by geneticsarteriosclerosis, Cardio Vascular, General, , , arteriosclerosis cardio-vascular uncategorized condition-specifichomocysteinearteriosclerosis blood-pressure cardio-vascular osteopenia
Reduce dopamine in the cell to prevent longterm damageGeneral, Medsuncategorized medspd neurology
NicotineAD, General, Nicotine, PD, ad uncategorized nicotine pd condition-specificad pd neurology
Structured waterGeneraluncategorized
Huberman on water and healthWaterwater
Huberman on tap waterWaterwater
Brain resetGeneraluncategorized
Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) is a promising non-invasive neuromodulation tool for deep brain stimulationGeneraluncategorized
Wearable Ultrasound Improves Motor Function in an MPTP Mouse Model of Parkinson’s DiseaseGeneraluncategorized
Hypnosis appGeneraluncategorized
The vehicle we drive, becomes an extension of our body schema.Generaluncategorized
How is alpha-synuclein cleared from the cell? – PubMedGeneraluncategorized
Mesenchymal Stem Cells as a Source of Dopaminergic NeuronsGeneraluncategorized
Primal Fitness – In Home Workout ProgramsGeneraluncategorized
The parkinson’s epidemic, TCE, ParaquatGeneral, PD, uncategorized pd condition-specificneurology pd
Dr Gabor Mate stress and deseaseGeneral, Stress, uncategorized stresspd stress neurology
Connect the dots » HOPE ShortcutGeneral, PD, uncategorized pd condition-specificneurology pd
 MBTI – Myers Briggs Type Indicator  – not validGeneraluncategorized
Fibromyalgia hypnosis sessionGeneraluncategorizedfibromialgia
The Stanford/Dr Tass, Vibration glove treatment for PDDevices, PD, Systems approchedevices pd systems-approche condition-specificpd neurology
The mind-body interface in parkinson causality-process-treatmentGeneraluncategorized
Risk of Osteoporosis/Osteopenia when taking Warfarin Generaluncategorized
MTOR activation may reduce dophamin/l-dopa concentration in the brainGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Micro tablets dispenser for levodopa Generaluncategorized
Effects of Endurance Training on PDGeneraluncategorized
Exercise does not affect Levodopa responseL- dopa, PDl-dopa pd supplementation condition-specific
Effective Management of “OFF” Episodes in Parkinson’s Disease: Emerging Treatment Strategies and Unmet Clinical NeedsGeneral, PD, uncategorized pd condition-specificneurology pd
Vitamin B1 mega dose for PDPD, Vitamin B1pd vitamin-b1 condition-specific supplementationmitochondriapd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Photobiomodulation – Near infra red 10,070 light thearphy for PDInfra red NIR, Mitochondria, Photobiomodulationinfra-red-nir mitochondria photobiomodulation root-causepd neurologyslow-disease-progression
PD meds in clinical trial (infographic)Clinical trials, FDA, PD, phase 2, phase 3, , , clinical-trials fda pd phase-2 phase-3 condition-specificneurology pdpossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression symptomatic
PD  Drug Therapies in the Clinical Trial: 2022 UpdateGeneraluncategorized
Exenatide (Bydureon) for PDGeneraluncategorized
Ambroxol as a Disease-modifying Treatment in GBA-PD – Full Text View – ClinicalTrials.govAmbroxol, General, α-synuclein, , ambroxol uncategorized %ce%b1-synuclein pd-meds medsneurology pdpossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression
Stem Cells: Parkinson’s Treatment Breakthrough (2023) | DVC StemGeneraluncategorized
Radical new therapy for Parkinson’s will use stem cell transplantsGeneral, PD, Stop and reverse, uncategorized pd stop-and-reverse condition-specificneurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
How to Never Get Another Cavity Ever AgainGeneraluncategorized
Peter Attia on The Best Exercises for LongevityGeneraluncategorized
Hydrogen theraphy for PDGeneraluncategorized
Sauna reduce mercury level fastGeneraluncategorized
Exercise Hormone Halts Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms – Neuroscience NewsGeneraluncategorized
Sleep on your left side for better brain detoxGeneraluncategorized
The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport Generaluncategorized
r/Parkinsons – I am going to try an inhaled levodopa, anyone with experience with inbrija?Generaluncategorized
DhivyTM, a carbidopa/levodopa fractionated tablet, is now available | American Parkinson Disease AssociationGeneraluncategorized
Metformin Prevents Nigrostriatal Dopamine Degeneration Independent of AMPK Activation in Dopamine Neurons – PMCGeneraluncategorized
PD – Reduce Alpha-synuclein level, experimental protocolGeneral, Vitamin B1, α-synucleinuncategorized vitamin-b1 %ce%b1-synuclein supplementationpd neurology
What Supplements to Avoid When Taking Blood Thinners | ConsumerLab.comGeneraluncategorized
the BMP5/7 protein had a significant protective effect against the misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins.Generaluncategorized
Pharmaceuticals | Free Full-Text | Current Therapies in Clinical Trials of Parkinson’s Disease: A 2021 Update | HTMLGeneraluncategorized
Perspective on the Road toward Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s DiseaseGeneraluncategorized
The small heat shock protein Hsp27 binds α-synuclein fibrils, preventing elongation and cytotoxicity – Journal of Biological ChemistryGeneraluncategorized
How is alpha-synuclein cleared from the cell? Generaluncategorized
MSC Stem cell treatment in PanamaAnti inflammatory, Autoimmunity, Stem Cell, , , anti-inflammatory autoimmunity stem-cellad ms neurology pd
Carnivore dietCarnivore Diet, Cholesterol, Diet, Ketosis, , , , carnivore-diet cholesterol diet ketosislectinsad diabetes ms neurology pd
Emerging urinary alpha-synuclein and miRNA biomarkers in Parkinson’s disease – PubMedGeneraluncategorized
Reversing Parkinson’s Disease Using the Wim Hof MethodGeneraluncategorized
Low-Carbohydrate Diet Score and Coronary Artery Calcium ProgressionGeneraluncategorized
 Basal Ganglia Calcification – rareGeneraluncategorizedcalcificationpd neurology
Sense of commeradity/brotherhood/community boost general healthGeneraluncategorized
The Parkinson’s Protocol™ By Jodi Knapp Generaluncategorizedpd neurology
Alpha-Synuclein in Parkinson’s Disease: From Pathogenetic Dysfunction to Potential Clinical Application – PMCGeneral, PDuncategorized pd condition-specific%ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Synucleinopathies – an overview | ScienceDirect Generaluncategorized%ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Vertebrate food products as a potential source of prion-like α-synuclein – PMCGeneral, α-synucleinuncategorized %ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Therapeutic Effects of Hydrogen in Animal Models of Parkinson’s Disease – PMCGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
PBM – photobiomodulation for PDGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Dr Berg – recomeded for PD – B1,B2, fasting, Iron chelatorsGeneral, Supplement testinguncategorized supplement-testing supplementationpd neurology
Parkinson’s Disease – Oxford Recovery CenterGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
מסכת פנים לסינון האוויר. משלוח חינם!Generaluncategorized
Cross-Reactivity and Sequence Homology Between Alpha-Synuclein and Food Products: A Step Further for Parkinson’s Disease SynucleinopathyGeneral, uncategorizedneurology pd
PD and basal ganglia calcificationsGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Researchers focus on use of psilocybin to treat PDGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
White Paper | Modeling DMT Strategies for PD | EvideraGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Stem Cell Institute Panama – where Tony Robins got treatmentGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Fountain Life  – lab, life force – Tony Robins Generaluncategorizedpd neurology
PD – Functional medicine – Dr. Adiel Tel-OrenGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft-Tissue Infections | Clinical Infectious Diseases | Oxford AcademicGeneraluncategorized
InsideTracker | Live Healthier LongerGeneraluncategorized
Chyle – an overview | ScienceDirect TopicsGeneraluncategorizedlymphedema
Medium chain triglycerides and structured lipids – PubMedGeneraluncategorizedlymphedema
Parkinson’s disease treated with Sinemet or Madopar. A controlled multicenter trial – PubMedGeneral, Medsuncategorized medspd neurology
Effects of tyramine administration in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with selective MAO-B inhibitor rasagiline – PubMedMedsmedspd neurology
Encephalitis lethargicaGeneral, uncategorizedinflammation pathogenpd neurology
Probiotic Bacillus subtilis Protects against α-Synuclein Aggregation Generaluncategorized%ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Dietary Plant Lectins transported from the Gut to Gain Access to and Alter Dopaminergic Neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans, a Potential Etiology of Parkinson’s Disease  Generaluncategorizedlectinspd neurology
The diagnostic discrimination of cutaneous α-synuclein deposition in Parkinson disease  α-synuclein%ce%b1-synuclein%ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Chronic Effects of a Wild Green Oat Extract Supplementation on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults  Generaluncategorizedpd neurology
Immune-boosting role of vitamins D, C, E, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids: Could they help against COVID-19? – PMCGeneraluncategorized
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of IkT-148009 in Untreated Parkinson’s Disease (early stage PD)Generaluncategorizedpd neurology
strict ketogenic diets vs Keto light versionsGeneral, Ketogenicuncategorized ketogenic dietpd neurology
Probiotic strain Bacillus subtilis PXN21 eats alph-sinuclein General, Treat the food, Vegas nerve, α-synucleinuncategorized treat-the-food vegas-nerve %ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Restricting Diet May Reverse Early-Stage Parkinson’sDiet, Generaldiet uncategorizedpd neurology
Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Interventions – PMCGeneraluncategorized
Calcium may play a role in the development of Parkinson’s diseaseGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Repurposing anti-diabetic drugs for the treatment of Parkinson’s diseaseGeneral, PDuncategorized pd condition-specificpd neurology
Reduce brain inflammation condition specific, General, , , condition-specific uncategorizedad ms neurology pd
How To Tell If Mercury Toxicity Is The Cause Of Your Mysterious Symptoms  Generaluncategorizedpd neurology
How is alpha-synuclein cleared from the cell?Generaluncategorized
Dude says he reverses his PD disease course Generaluncategorized
Gene therapy for PDGeneraluncategorized
early intervention benefits – PD Generaluncategorized
MPTP induced PD, bookGeneraluncategorized
Afuzien center for prevention and treatment of PD – Event recordingsGeneraluncategorized
Rasagiline Withdrawal Syndrome in Parkinson’s Disease – PubMedGeneraluncategorized
Introduction to stem cells Generaluncategorized
Chyle leak eating plan Generaluncategorized
Chyle – an overview | ScienceDirect Generaluncategorized
 Chyle leaks ((Lymphedema)Generaluncategorized
Eating to starve Lymphedema Generaluncategorized
Neuroprotective and disease-modifying effects of the ketogenic diet  General, , , , uncategorizedad ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier prevention
PD treated with Sinemet or Madopar., controlled trial Generaluncategorized
Drugs, Herbs and Supplements – MedlinePlus database Meds, Supplementationmeds supplementation
Dementia is preventable through lifestyle. Start now. | Max Lugavere | TEDxVeniceBeachGeneraluncategorized
The ROOT CAUSES Of Alzheimer’s Disease & How To PREVENT IT | Dr. Dale BredesenADad condition-specific
Vagus Nerve Exercises To Rewire Your Brain From AnxietyGeneraluncategorized
Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Skin and Soft-Tissue InfectionsGeneraluncategorized
Probiotic Bacillus subtilis Protects against α-Synuclein Aggregation in C. elegans: Cell ReportsGeneraluncategorized
At-Home Testing ReviewsResources, Testing, Tools, Vitamin Dresources testing tools vitamin-d supplementation
Vegans are not likly to run into K2 vitamin deficiencyGeneraluncategorized
 Vitamin K2 is needed for osteoporosis but contraindicated for other conditions e.g. thrombosis General, K2 and D dilemauncategorized k2-and-d-dilemaosteopenia
Vitamin K/K2 deficiency and cognitive/brain issues Generaluncategorized
Creating New Neurons: The Potential to Reverse Parkinson’s Disease Generaluncategorized
 Prevent BRAIN INFLAMMATION! | Datis KharrazianGeneral, , , , , , , , , uncategorizedleaky-brain leaky-gutad aging arteriosclerosis cardio-vascular datis-kharrazian ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progressionhigh
Access earwax may lead to brain issues Generaluncategorized
Potential use of glutathione as a treatment for Parkinson’s diseaseGeneraluncategorized
Sugar cause inflammation/ neuroinflammationGeneraluncategorized
PD pandemicGeneraluncategorized
L-dopa is the preferred initial treatmentGeneraluncategorized
Is Sugar Really Toxic? Sifting through the EvidenceGeneraluncategorized
Neurophysiological symptoms and aspartame: What is the connection? – PubMedGeneraluncategorized
Neurophysiological symptoms and aspartameGeneraluncategorized
Aspartame  and brain-related disorders Generaluncategorized
Risk factors for the development of pedal edema in patients using pramipexole – PubMedGeneraluncategorized
Directed attention fatigue – WikipediaGeneraluncategorized
The Huberman podcastCold Exposure, Neuroprotective, PD, Resources, Sleep, Supplementationcold-exposure neuroprotective pd resources sleep supplementation condition-specific
Parkinson – List Results – ClinicalTrials.govPD, Resourcespd resources condition-specific
Natural blood thinnersGeneraluncategorized
Rebounder/ trampoline exersizeGeneraluncategorizedlymphedemapossible-disease-modifier
Ketogenic therapies for lymphedemaDiet, FMD, Ketogenic, Lymphedemadiet fmd ketogenic lymphedema condition-specificlymphedemapossible-disease-modifier
Over 50 cases of self/guided healingAutoimmunity, Mind body, Resources, Stop and reverse, Success storiesautoimmunity mind-body resources stop-and-reverse success-stories
c.dif as possible cause of PD and other neurological diseasesAD, Cancer, MS, PD, PD success stories, , , , ad cancer ms pd pd-success-stories condition-specific success-storiesad ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier q
10 Health Benefits of Low-Carb and Ketogenic DietsAD, aortic valve stenosis, arteriosclerosis, Cancer, General, Keto for PD, Ketogenic, Ketosis, MS, PD, Stop and reverse, , , , ad aortic-valve-stenosis arteriosclerosis cancer uncategorized keto-for-pd ketogenic ketosis ms pd stop-and-reverse condition-specific dietad ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression
Dietary Plant Lectins Appear to Be Transported from the Gut to Gain Access to and Alter Dopaminergic Neurons of Caenorhabditis elegans, a Potential Etiology of Parkinson’s DiseaseMicrobiota, microbiotagut-brain mitochondriapd neurology
Anti-inflammatory diet: Food list and tipsDiet, Nutrition, Protocolsdiet nutrition protocolspd neurology Germ Guardian True HEPA Filter Air Purifier with UV Light Sanitizer, Eliminates Germs, Filters Allergies, Pollen, Smoke, Dust Pet Dander, Mold Odors, Quiet 22 inch 4-in-1 Air Purifier for Home AC4825E : Everything ElseToolstools
Trichloroethylene (TCE) Toxicity: Where is Trichloroethylene Found? | Environmental Medicine | ATSDRGeneraluncategorizedtrichloroethylene-tcepd neurology
A comprehensive review on antimicrobial face masks: an emerging weapon in fighting pandemics – RSC Advances (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/D0RA10009AGeneraluncategorized
SelfHacked – HomePD, Resources, Testingpd resources testing condition-specificpd neurology
SelfDecode 2.0 – SelfDecodeResources, Testingresources testingpd neurology
Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice ReaderToolstools
COVID-19 and Your HealthResourcesresources
The quest for a disease-modifying drug for Parkinson’s disease continues – Drug Discovery and DevelopmentGeneral, PDuncategorized pd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Ending Parkinson’s Disease: A Prescription for Action: Dorsey MD, Ray, Sherer PhD, Todd, Okun MD, Michael S., Bloem MD PhD, Bastiaan R.: 9781541724501: BooksBook, PDbook pd condition-specificpd neurology
New Avenues for Parkinson’s Disease Therapeutics: Disease-Modifying Strategies Based on the Gut MicrobiotaGeneral, Microbiotauncategorized microbiotapd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Therapeutic Effect of Hydrogen Sulfide-Releasing L-Dopa Derivative ACS84 on 6-OHDA-Induced Parkinson’s Disease Rat ModelHydrogen Sulfide-, L- dopa, PDhydrogen-sulfide l-dopa pd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Parkinson’s disease and basal ganglia calcifications: prevalence and clinico-radiological correlations – PubMedConstipation, PDconstipation pd condition-specificcalcificationpd neurology | Prescription Drug Information, Interactions & Side EffectsResourcesresources
Therapeutic Potential of Exogenous Ketone Supplement Induced Ketosis in the Treatment of Psychiatric Disorders: Review of Current LiteratureKeto for PD, Ketogenicketo-for-pd ketogenic dietpd neurology
How To Fix Forward Head Posture – 3 Easy Exercises (From a Chiropractor)PD, physical therapypd physical-therapy condition-specificpd neurology
Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease: The definitive guide to the known causes of Parkinson’s disease and proven reversal strategiesBook, PDbook pd condition-specific
Goodbye Parkinson’s, Hello life!: The Gyro–Kinetic Method for Eliminating Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Good HealthBook, General, physical therapybook uncategorized physical-therapypd neurology
NAC supplement may positively effect PDAntioxidants, NAC, PDantioxidants nac pd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Gluten related PDAutoimmunity, Gluten, PD, , autoimmunity gluten pd root-cause condition-specificglutenpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression trigger-disease-development
Expert Review of NeurotherapeuticsResourcesresources
Keto diet is a better mitochondrial therapy than ketones supplement in Parkinson’s diseaseGeneral, PDuncategorized pd condition-specificmitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurologyslow-disease-progression
Fix the posture – nerd neck, rounding, slumpingPD, physical therapypd physical-therapy condition-specificpd neurologysymptomatic
6 Ways to Reduce Parkinson’s Freezing of GaitGeneral, physical therapyuncategorized physical-therapy
Live Well with PD – Davis Phinney FoundationResourcesresources
PD meds, FDA approved, main groupsMeds, Microbiota, PD, PD medsmeds microbiota pd pd-meds condition-specific
Calcification of basal ganglia corrolate with PDCalcificationcalcification root-causecalcificationpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Antimicrobial reusable face maskGeneraluncategorized
Intestinal Lymphangiectasia: Insights on Management and Literature ReviewGeneraluncategorized
Ketogenic diet or exogenous ketone bodies may alleviate lymphedemaKetogenic, Lymphedemaketogenic lymphedema diet condition-specificlymphedemapossible-disease-modifier
Full detox program,  Jon BarronDetox, General, Protocols, , , detox uncategorized protocolsad ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
How To Detox Heavy Metals From BodyDetox, General, PD, Protocols, , , detox uncategorized pd protocols condition-specificad ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
Oral Glutamine Increases Circulating GLP-1, Glucagon and Insulin Levels in Lean, Obese and Type 2 Diabetic SubjectsDiabetes, General, Good Evidence, Insulin resistance, Neuroprotective, PD, PD meds, Stop and reverse, Supplement testing, diabetes uncategorized good-evidence insulin-resistance neuroprotective pd pd-meds stop-and-reverse supplement-testing condition-specific root-cause meds supplementationdiabetes pd neurologypossible-disease-modifierlowresearch
Stem cell therapy for PDAutoimmunity, PD, PD meds, , , autoimmunity pd pd-meds condition-specific medsad diabetes ms pd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Adequate Vitamin B12 and low Homocysteine Levels may slow  progression of PDGeneral, Homocysteine, motor function, PD, Vitamin B12uncategorized homocysteine motor-function pd vitamin-b12 condition-specific supplementationpd neurologyslow-disease-progressionresearch
Drugs that suppress immune system may protect against Parkinson’s | Washington University School of Medicine in St. LouisAutoimmunity, PDautoimmunity pd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Edema, legsGeneraluncategorized
Anxiety and Depression Among People Under the Nationwide Partial Lockdown in VietnamGeneraluncategorized
probiotics Bacillus subtilis PXN® 21® eliminates alpha-synuclein aggregates, possible PD treatmentMicrobiota, Natural alternatives, PD, Prebiotics, Stop and reverse, Vegas nerve, α-synucleinmicrobiota natural-alternatives pd prebiotics stop-and-reverse vegas-nerve %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifiermedium
Exenatide, a GLP-1 receptor agonist licensed to treat type 2 diabetes, and recently shown to be associated with reduced severity of PDMeds, PD, PD meds, PD success stories, Success stories, meds pd pd-meds pd-success-stories success-stories condition-specificdiabetes pd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Chelation of iron accumulation in the brainAD, Chelation, Iron, PD, , ad chelation iron pd condition-specificad neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
Herbal medicine for PD, a systemic reviewanti viral, antibiotics, Herbs, PD, Protocolsanti-viral antibiotics herbs pd protocols condition-specificpd neurologyslow-disease-progression
PD and nutrition    Diet, General, Nutritiondiet uncategorized nutritionslow-disease-progression
 A Report of 10 cases of Parkinson’s Disease cured by Xifengzhizhan pills and Xifengzhizhan capsules, Wang Weifananecdotal evidence, PD success stories, Success stories, anecdotal-evidence pd-success-stories success-storiesneurology pdpossible-disease-modifierarticle
LSVT voice therapyPD, physical therapypd physical-therapy condition-specificpd neurologysymptomatic
Warfarin and foodsINRinr cardio-vascular condition-specific
The use of vitamin K to reduce high INRINRinr cardio-vascular condition-specific
Causes of calcificationCalcificationcalcification root-cause
Low-Carbohydrate Diet, animal based, cause an increased risk for coronary artery calcificationCalcification, Carnivore Diet, Cholesterol, Good Evidence, Inflammation, Ketogenic, Risk factor, calcification carnivore-diet cholesterol-2 good-evidence inflammation ketogenic risk-factor root-cause dietinflammationarteriosclerosis cardio-vascularpossible-disease-modifier
The Use of Dental Almagam FillingsRoot Canal, , , root-canal root-causeroot-canalad ms neurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
Mycoplasma (and bacteria in general) as a Cause of Narrowing of the Cardiovascular Valvesaortic valve stenosis, Calcification, Cardio Vascular, Generalaortic-valve-stenosis calcification cardio-vascular uncategorized condition-specific root-causecardio-vascular
Rehabilitation of Mitochondria by Lipid ReplacementGeneral, Mitochondria, PD, Supplementation, , uncategorized mitochondria pd supplementation root-cause condition-specificmitochondria-nad mitochondriadiabetes neurology pdslow-disease-progression
Caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) relieved motor and non-motor symptoms(PD)PD, pd condition-specificneurology pdsymptomatic
Low Tyramin dietAnti inflammatory, Generalanti-inflammatory uncategorizedpd neurology
Future: The A1 astrocyte paradigm: New way for pharmacological intervention in neurodegeneration – PubMedPD, PD meds, pd pd-meds condition-specific medsneurology pdslow-disease-progression
Bacteraemia was Detected after Chewing Bubble Gum in 22% of PatientsAutoimmunity, Bacteraemia, Pathogenautoimmunity bacteraemia pathogenbacteraemia
Dietary intervention in acne: mTORC1 signaling promoted by Western dietGeneraluncategorized
Circadian Biology and PDAD, Apps, Circadian, Circadian cycle, Default Protocol, Fasting, Good Evidence, PDad apps circadian circadian-cycle default-protocol fasting-2 good-evidence pd condition-specificpd neurologyslow-disease-progression
NIH Supplement Ingredient Fact Sheets for Professionals and ConsumersResources, Supplementationresources supplementation
Treatment of Mitochondrial Dysfunction with Natural SupplementsAD, Mitochondria, NAD, PDad mitochondria nad pd condition-specific root-causemitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Could a Carnivore Diet Help with Autoimmune Disorders e.g PDCarnivore Diet, PDcarnivore-diet pd diet condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Cholesterol Provides Some Protection Against PD Cholesterol, Diet, PDcholesterol-2 diet pd condition-specificpd neurologyslow-disease-progression
Toxic Chemicals, Plants, and Organic Elements that may Trigger Development of PDPD, Toxic burdenpd toxic-burden condition-specific root-causetoxic-burdenpd neurologytrigger-disease-development
Could Parkinson’s be Caused by Infection?anti viral, antibiotics, Pathogen, PD, , anti-viral antibiotics pathogen pd condition-specificpathogenneurology pdpossible-disease-modifier trigger-disease-development
Could Intermittent Fasting/ Caloric Restriction/ Exercise Improve PD StatusFasting, FMD, PD, Protocols, fasting-2 fmd pd protocols condition-specificneurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
In Development: Neuralink’s Brain Implants , to Treat PDPDpd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
The Link Between Helicobacter Pylori and PD?Pathogen, PD, pathogen pd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier trigger-disease-development
Types of Keto Testing, Blood Glucose Testing, and Types of Exogenous KetonesKetogenic, Ketosis, ketogenic ketosis dietpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier symptomatic
Keto for PD: The William Curtis StoryDiet, Keto for PD, Ketogenic, Ketosis, PDdiet keto-for-pd ketogenic ketosis pd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Could Fasting Help Control PD Symptoms?Autophagy, BDNF, Fasting, FMD, Keto for PD, Ketogenic, Microbiota, PD, autophagy bdnf fasting-2 fmd keto-for-pd ketogenic microbiota pd diet condition-specificneurology pdpossible-disease-modifier
Interaction of Mitochondria, a-Syn, and the Endo-lysosomal SystemAutophagy, Microbiota, PDautophagy microbiota pd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifierarticle
Could α-Synuclein Inhibition be a Treatment for PD?Autophagy, Lymphedema, PD, α-synucleinautophagy lymphedema pd %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specific%ce%b1-synucleinpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Ridding Cells of Harmful Protein Aggregates by Inducing AutophagyAD, Autophagy, Mitochondria, PD, α-synucleinad autophagy mitochondria pd %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specific root-causemitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Can RYR supplements Potentially be Related to a High Risk of PD?Warferinwarferin medspd neurologytrigger-disease-development
Neuronal Autophagy and the Predisposition for PDAutophagy, PD, α-synucleinautophagy pd %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specificpd neurologytrigger-disease-development
PD and Autophagy Impairment in SynucleinopathyAutophagy, PD, α-synucleinautophagy pd %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specificpd neurologytrigger-disease-development
Can Plant-Based Diets Lower the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?Cardio Vascular, Dietcardio-vascular diet condition-specific
What Does a Vegetarian Diet Mean for Cardiovascular Health?Dietdietcardio-vascular
Overactive mTORC1 Signaling, Acne, the Western Diet, and More Serious DiseasesGeneraluncategorized
Can Red Yeast Rice be Used to Lower Cholesterol?INRinr cardio-vascular condition-specific
What do you Know About the Interaction of Drugs you are Taking?Resourcesresources
Know What’s in the Supplements you BuyResources, Supplement testingresources supplement-testing supplementation
Reviews and Ratings for Supplements on ConsumerLab.comResources, Supplement testingresources supplement-testing supplementation
Is it Safe to Take CoQ10 While Taking Warfarin or Plavix (clopidogrel)?Co Q10, INR, Supplementation, Warferinco-q10 inr supplementation warferin cardio-vascular condition-specific meds
Prebiotics to prevent and treat constipationConstipation, Prebioticsconstipation prebiotics condition-specificpd neurologysymptomatic
Use of K₂ and Warfarin During Perioperative Period of Catheter AblationINR, Vitamin K2inr vitamin-k2 cardio-vascular condition-specific supplementation
What do Studies Say about Probiotics and Digestion?Constipation, General, Probioticsconstipation uncategorized probiotics condition-specific
Measure Fat Burning vs Carb-BurningKetosis, Measurement, Toolsketosis measurement tools
Diet and Nutrition as Migraine TriggersDiet, Migrainediet migraine condition-specific
The Migraine-Diet ConnectionDiet, Migrainediet migraine condition-specific
What is the Potential of Stem Cell Treatment for PD? (YouTube Webinar)In development, PD, Stem Cellin-development pd stem-cell condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
How Can Fasting Help you Live a Longer, Healthier Life?Diet, Fasting, FMDdiet fasting-2 fmd
Could Coenzyme Q10 be Used as a Supplement for PD Patients?Cardio Vascular, INR, Mitochondria, Supplementationcardio-vascular inr mitochondria supplementation condition-specific root-causemitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurologyslow-disease-progression
Vitamin K, as a Treatment, and its Interaction with WarfarinINR, Supplementation, Vitamin Kinr supplementation vitamin-k cardio-vascular condition-specific
Initial Pramipexole vs. Initial Levodopa in Early PD – Which is Better?PD medspd-meds medspd neurology
Should Pramipexole be Used in PD Treatment?PD medspd-meds medspd neurology
What you Should Know About your Diet and WarfarinDiet, INR, Warferindiet inr warferin cardio-vascular condition-specific meds
How Does Fasting Affect INR and %TTR?INR, Warferininr warferin cardio-vascular condition-specific meds
What are the Benefits, Side Effects, and Uses of Resveratrol?Antioxidants, arteriosclerosis, Cardio Vascular, Supplementationantioxidants arteriosclerosis cardio-vascular supplementation condition-specific
The FDA Drug Shortage, and AvailabilityMedicine supply chain, Meds, Resourcesmedicine-supply-chain meds resources
Will Coronavirus Restrictions Mean a Shortage of Important Medical Drugs?Medicine supply chain, Medsmedicine-supply-chain meds
The EU Parliament: The Disruption of Medical Supply Chains Under COVID-19Medicine supply chain, Meds, Warferinmedicine-supply-chain meds warferin
The FDA is Monitoring the Supply of Drugs During the COVID-19 PandemicMedicine supply chain, Meds, Warferinmedicine-supply-chain meds warferin
Can you Take Fish Oil or Krill Oil Supplements with Warfarin Without Significantly Affect  the INR~INR, Supplementationinr supplementation cardio-vascular condition-specific
Ginseng May Modestly Reduce INR in Patients Taking WarfarinINRinr cardio-vascular condition-specific
Hawthorn herb/berries increase INRINRinr cardio-vascular condition-specific
Supplements the affect INRINRinr cardio-vascular condition-specific
Use of Anticoagulants After VHD Valve RepairCardio Vascularcardio-vascular condition-specific
Potential PD Treatment with Repurposed DrugsPD medspd-meds medspd neurology
The Potential of Ambroxol for PD TreatmentPD medspd-meds medspd neurology
Low‐Fat vs Ketogenic Diet for PD?Diet, Ketogenic, PDdiet ketogenic pd condition-specificpd neurology
Health Solutions Library for Critical Diseases Including PDDiet, Leaky Gut, Resourcesdiet leaky-gut resources root-causeleaky-gutpd neurology
Could Creating a Healthy Gut Using FMD Prevent or Treat PD?Fasting, FMD, PDfasting-2 fmd pd condition-specificpd neurology
MetallothioneinDetoxdetox protocolspd neurology
ApoE4 Information for Alzheimer’s, and Chronic Diseases Including PDAD, Default Protocol, Mitochondria, PD, Protocols, ad default-protocol mitochondria pd protocols condition-specific root-causemitochondria-nad mitochondriaad pd neurology
New Research on NIACIN vs NMNMitochondria, NAD, NIACIN, NMNmitochondria nad niacin nmn root-cause supplementationmitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurology
Review of Possible Use of a Keto Diet in PD TreatmentAD, Keto for PD, Ketogenic, PDad keto-for-pd ketogenic pd condition-specific dietpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Interview with Dale E. Bredesen, md on Reversing Cognitive DeclineGeneraluncategorizedpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Fact Sheet: Dietary Supplements for Primary Mitochodrial DisordersGeneral, PD, uncategorized pd condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression
Review: The Role of Dietary Fat in Treatment of Brain DiseasesCancer, Cardio Vascular, Diet, Mitochondria, PD, Protocols, cancer cardio-vascular diet mitochondria pd protocols condition-specific root-causemitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurologypossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression
Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition and Cardiovascular Diseasearteriosclerosis, Cardio Vascular, Diet, Protocolsarteriosclerosis cardio-vascular diet protocols condition-specific
Use of Ayurveda Herb in PD TreatmentGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Diet for Heart HealthCardio Vascular, condition specific, Dietcardio-vascular condition-specific diet
2020 Clinical Trial: Mannitol for PDPDpd condition-specificpd neurologyslow-disease-progression
Nattokinase as a Possible Treatment for Cardiovascular Diseaseaortic valve stenosis, Cardio Vascular, Warferinaortic-valve-stenosis cardio-vascular warferin condition-specific meds
Food/Drug/Supplements that effect INRCardio Vascularcardio-vascular condition-specific
Megadose Vitamin C – As An Antiviral Treatmentanti viral, Supplementation, Vitamin Canti-viral supplementation vitamin-cpd neurology
Warfarin alternatives ? – natural blood thinnersMeds, Natural alternativesmeds natural-alternatives
All About XylitolCalcification, Chelation, Detox, Oxalatescalcification chelation detox oxalates root-cause protocolsoxalatespd neurology
Vitamin D | Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State UniversityAD, Cancer, Diabetes, motor function, MS, Neuroprotective, PD, Supplementation, Vitamin D, ad cancer diabetes motor-function ms neuroprotective pd supplementation vitamin-d condition-specificpd neurologyslow-disease-progression trigger-disease-development
Benefits of XylitolGeneraluncategorizedpd neurology
Sleep Master Class by Dr. Mark HymanSleepsleeppd neurologyslow-disease-progression
10 Day Reset – A System Designed by Dr. Mark HymanProtocolsprotocols
All About mTOR, mTOR Inhibitors and mTOR ActivatorsAD, AMPK pathway, Cancer, mTOR pathway, PDad ampk-pathway-ampk-pathway cancer mtor-pathway pd condition-specific signaling-pathwaypd neurology
Polyphenols in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review of In Vivo StudiesGeneraluncategorizedpd neurologyslow-disease-progression
early puberty & EDC – endocrine disraptorsEarly puberty, Toxic burdenearly-puberty toxic-burden condition-specific root-causetoxic-burden
6 Ways to Activate Autophagy Without Fasting – YouTubeAutophagy, Detox, Fasting, Good Evidenceautophagy detox fasting-2 good-evidence protocolspd neurologyslow-disease-progression
Dietary Plant Lectins Appear to Be Transported from the Gut to Gain Access to and Alter Dopaminergic Neurons of warms , a Potential Etiology of PDcondition specific, Diet, Lectins, PD, Vegas nerve, , condition-specific diet lectins pd vegas-nerve root-causelectinspd neurologypossible-disease-modifier slow-disease-progression trigger-disease-development
LIFE Fasting Tracker – LIFE Apps | LIVE and LEARNFasting, Life style, Measurementfasting-2 life-style measurement
Over-the-counter Vitamin K1-containing Multivitamin Supplements Disrupt Warfarin Anticoagulation in Vitamin K1-depleted Patients. Vitamin Kvitamin-k supplementation
Learn How Oura Ring Works | The Most Advanced Smart RingSleepsleeppd neurology
Nutritional Interventions for Gastroesophageal Reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Hypochlorhydria: A Case ReportGeneraluncategorized
Vitamin D and Sleep Apnea- Interview with Dr. Stasha GominakMitochondria, Protocols, Root cause, Sleep, Vitamin D, Vitamin Kmitochondria protocols root-cause sleep vitamin-d vitamin-k supplementationmitochondria-nad mitochondria
Cold/Hot ExposureCold Exposurecold-exposurepd neurology
MetallothioneinDetox, Heavy Metals, Toxic burden, detox heavy-metals toxic-burden protocols root-causeheavy-metals toxic-burden
oxygen pressure chamber ???Generaluncategorized
apple cider vinegaraortic valve stenosis, Generalaortic-valve-stenosis uncategorized condition-specific
Omega 3 galil, o3anecdotal evidence, Ketosis, Neuroprotective, Protocols, Supplementationanecdotal-evidence ketosis neuroprotective protocols supplementation
Drug-Induced PDPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
Probiotics for PDPD, Probioticspd probiotics condition-specificpd neurology
Probiotics for constipationConstipation, Probioticsconstipation probiotics condition-specificpd neurologysymptomatic
New treatments for PD, in trialsPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
Gut bacteria and probiotics that lower INRMicrobiota, Probioticsmicrobiota probiotics
3 day fast-rebuild immune system, LongoAD, Autoimmunity, Autophagy, Detox, Ketosis, MS, PD, ad autoimmunity autophagy detox ketosis ms pd condition-specific protocolsms pd neurology
Eran Segal – Personalized Nutrition for Diabetes Treatment Based on Gut MicrobiotaMicrobiota, Personalized Nutritionmicrobiota personalized-nutrition
Prebiotics and probiotics in cancer prevention and therapyCancercancer condition-specific
Prevent and treat constipationConstipationconstipation condition-specific
Sulforaphane, boost liver enzyme, Broccoli sproutsCancer, Detox, Heat shock proteincancer detox heat-shock-protein condition-specific protocolspd neurology
Turmeric Curcumin Reprogramming Cancer Cell DeathCancer, Supplementationcancer supplementation condition-specific
Anti cancer dietCancer, Diet, Good Evidencecancer diet good-evidence condition-specific
new PD medication –Nourianz (istradefylline) tablets as an add-on treatment Nourianz (istradefylline) tablets as an add-on treatmentPD medspd-meds medspd neurology
Magnesium to prevent and reverse Aurtic stenosis and calcification in generalCalcification, Cardio Vascular, General, K2 and D dilema, Stop and reverse, Supplementationcalcification cardio-vascular uncategorized k2-and-d-dilema stop-and-reverse supplementation root-cause condition-specificcardio-vascularpossible-disease-modifier
Ketosis and Ketosis SupplementsKetogenic, Ketosis, Mitochondria, Supplementationketogenic ketosis mitochondria supplementation diet root-causemitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurology
IP6 ChealatorAD, Calcification, Cardio Vascular, Chelation, Detox, Heart palpation, Iron, Lyme, MS, PDad calcification cardio-vascular chelation detox heart-palpation iron lyme ms pd condition-specific root-cause protocolspd neurology
NADD+ and NADHAnti Aging, Mitochondria, PD, Supplementationanti-aging mitochondria pd supplementation root-cause condition-specificmitochondria-nad mitochondriapd neurologyslow-disease-progression
Autophagy supplementsAD, Anti Aging, Autophagy, PDad anti-aging autophagy pd condition-specificpd neurologyslow-disease-progression
TAMO in red meat cause heart deseaseCardio Vascularcardio-vascular condition-specificcardio-vascular
LP(a) lipoprotein(a)aortic valve stenosis, Cardio Vascular, LP(a), PDaortic-valve-stenosis cardio-vascular lpa pd condition-specific root-causelpapd neurology
Keto for PD, Some EvidenceDiet, Keto for PD, Ketogenic, PDdiet keto-for-pd ketogenic pd condition-specificpd neurology
Management of EDTA Chelation TherapyCalcification, Cardio Vascular, Chelationcalcification cardio-vascular chelation root-cause condition-specific
Regulated Vitamine D level to prevent calcificationCalcification, Cardio Vascular, K2 and D dilemacalcification cardio-vascular k2-and-d-dilema root-cause condition-specific
stop and reverse PD, the state of the artPD, Stop and reversepd stop-and-reverse condition-specificpd neurology
Ketoprofen, anti inflammatory drug reduce/reverse Lymphedema sysmptomsInflammation, Lymphedemainflammation lymphedema root-cause condition-specificinflammation
Misfolded proteins related conditions in heart deseaseMisfolded proteins, Questionmisfolded-proteins question
Resistence starchesDietdiet
Vitamin DAD, Cardio Vascular, K2 and D dilema, MS, PD, , , ad cardio-vascular k2-and-d-dilema ms pd condition-specificad cardio-vascular ms pd neurology
Reductive stress – to much antioxidantsCardio Vascular, Heart palpation, PD, Reductive stress, Root causecardio-vascular heart-palpation pd reductive-stress root-cause condition-specificreductive-stresspd neurology
Low stomach acid as root causeLow stomach acid, Root causelow-stomach-acid root-causelow-stomach-acid
Chronic inflammation and insulin resistance interactionsInflammation, Insulin resistance, inflammation insulin-resistance root-causeinflammation insulin-resistancepd neurology
Stop and reverse PDPD, Stop and reversepd stop-and-reverse condition-specificpd neurology
Probiotics for PDPD, Probioticspd probiotics condition-specificpd neurology
Do brain-training games really work?AD, Default Protocol, Neuroprotective, PDad default-protocol neuroprotective pd condition-specificpd neurology
electrolytes including sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride negativly asssociated with Dyskinesia in PDPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
Stem Cell – Repairing the Brain: Cell Replacement Using Stem Cell-Based Technologies – IOS Pressmotor function, PDmotor-function pd condition-specificpd neurology
CBD – Cannabinoids in PDGeneral, Inflammation, PD, Supplementationuncategorized inflammation pd supplementation root-cause condition-specificinflammationpd neurology
Fetal tissue implant – Wikipediamotor function, PD, Root cause, Stop and reversemotor-function pd root-cause stop-and-reverse condition-specific
נזקי כספית, אמלגםDetox, Heavy Metals, Root cause, Toxic burden, detox heavy-metals root-cause toxic-burden protocolsheavy-metals toxic-burdenpd neurology
Diabetes protocolAD, Autophagy, Default Protocol, Diabetes, PD, Protocolsad autophagy default-protocol diabetes pd protocols condition-specificpd neurology
High Prevalence of Undiagnosed Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetic Subjects with Parkinson’s Disease – IOS PressNeuroprotective, PD, Root causeneuroprotective pd root-cause condition-specificinsulin-resistancepd neurology
Whole body vibration: Neuro-rehab applicationsPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
2-deoxy-D-glucose is noeroprotectiveMS, PD, ms pd condition-specificms pd neurology
autoimmune fix 6 weeks transition protocolAutoimmunity, Default Protocol, Protocolsautoimmunity default-protocol protocols
make your own cleaners, so you know whats insiideAutoimmunity, Default Protocol, Detox, Toxic burdenautoimmunity default-protocol detox toxic-burden protocols root-causetoxic-burden
LPS – LipopolysaccharidesLPSlps root-causelps
Leaky Gut protocolLeaky Gut, Probiotics, Protocols, Supplementationleaky-gut probiotics protocols supplementation root-causeleaky-gutpd neurology
Increased intestinal permeability and Parkinson disease patientsLeaky Gut, PDleaky-gut pd root-cause condition-specificleaky-gutpd neurology
Colostrum, for leaky gutGood Evidence, Leaky Gut, Supplementationgood-evidence leaky-gut supplementation root-causeleaky-gutpd neurology
Herbal Antibioticsantibiotics, Default Protocol, Lyme, Pathogen, PDantibiotics default-protocol lyme pathogen pd condition-specificpd neurology
Herbal Antiviralsanti viral, Default Protocol, Lyme, Pathogen, PDanti-viral default-protocol lyme pathogen pd condition-specificpd neurology
Lyme disease protocolanti viral, antibiotics, Lyme, Neuroprotective, Pathogen, Protocolsanti-viral antibiotics lyme neuroprotective pathogen protocols condition-specificpd neurology
Functional Neurological DisordersDefault Protocol, MS, PDdefault-protocol ms pd condition-specificpd neurology
postpone (vegan source) protein intake until eveningPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
N-hexacosanol and fisetinPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
Detox by sweatDefault Protocol, Detox, Heavy Metalsdefault-protocol detox heavy-metals protocols root-causeheavy-metalspd neurology
The Longevity Diet: Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow AgingAnti Aging, Autophagy, Dietanti-aging autophagy dietpd neurology
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, plant-based, oil-free diet, cardio vascular healthCardio Vascular, Dietcardio-vascular diet condition-specific
The Diabetes Code: Prevent and Reverse Type 2 Diabetes NaturallyDiabetes, Protocols, diabetes protocols condition-specificinsulin-resistancead pd neurology
Hydroxysafflor yellow A promotes α-synuclein clearance via regulating autophagyAutophagy, PD, α-synucleinautophagy pd %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specific%ce%b1-synucleinpd neurology
Corynoxine, isolated from Uncaria rhynchophylla, promotes the clearance of alpha-synucleinAutophagy, Herbs, PD, α-synucleinautophagy herbs pd %ce%b1-synuclein condition-specificpd neurology
Q10PD, Supplementationpd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Mucuna pruriens – LevedopaHerbs, PD, Supplementationherbs pd supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Type 2 diabetes is associated with an increased risk of PDPD, Risk factorpd risk-factor condition-specificinsulin-resistancepd neurology
Low LDL Colesterol – risk factor for PDNeuroprotective, PD, Risk factorneuroprotective pd risk-factor condition-specificpd neurology
mutant (A53T) α-synuclein exhibit impaired autonomic regulation of heart rate characterized by elevated resting heart rateAutophagy, PDautophagy pd condition-specificpd neurology
RapamycinAutophagy, Heart palpation, Neuroprotective, PDautophagy heart-palpation neuroprotective pd condition-specificpd neurology
Autosuggestion, hypnosisDefault Protocol, Generaldefault-protocol uncategorized
Inflammation, anti inflammatory nutrients, dietAD, condition specific, Diet, Heart palpation, MS, Nutrition, Supplementationad condition-specific diet heart-palpation ms nutrition supplementationinflammationpd neurology
Toxicology testsPD, Testingpd testing condition-specificpd neurology
GlutathionAD, Antioxidants, Detox, Heart palpation, Heavy Metals, PD, Supplementation, Toxic burden, ad antioxidants detox heart-palpation heavy-metals pd supplementation toxic-burden condition-specific protocols root-causeheavy-metals toxic-burdenpd neurology
Malabsorptionmulabsorption, Root causemulabsorption root-cause
MagnesiumAD, Heart palpation, MS, mulabsorption, Neuroprotective, PD, Root cause, Supplementationad heart-palpation ms mulabsorption neuroprotective pd root-cause supplementation condition-specificpd neurology
Forced exercise 35% improvement, motor learning ? upregulate dopaminePD, Protocolspd protocols condition-specificpd neurology
Exercise enhanced NeuroplasticityPDpd condition-specificpd neurology
Insulin Resistance, GLP-1 analogues, Incretin Mimetics for AD and PDAD, Meds, PD, Root causead meds pd root-cause condition-specificpd neurology
NLY01 halts PDMeds, motor function, Neuroprotective, Stop and reversemeds motor-function neuroprotective stop-and-reversepd neurology
Herbs for PDHerbs, Neuroprotective, PDherbs neuroprotective pd condition-specificpd neurology
MS-The Wahls protocolDiet, Life style, motor function, MS, Neuroprotective, Protocolsdiet life-style motor-function ms neuroprotective protocols condition-specific
Oral hygiene – oil pulling coconut oil, adding ginger and lavenderAD, anecdotal evidence, Pathogen, PDad anecdotal-evidence pathogen pd condition-specificpd neurology
neuroprotective effect of nicotine and coffee in PD and ADAD, condition specific, PDad condition-specific pdpd neurology
Chronic heavy metal toxicityDefault Protocol, Heavy Metals, Toxic burden, default-protocol heavy-metals toxic-burden root-causeheavy-metals toxic-burdenpd neurology
Infection by Prion-like infection α-synucleinPathogen, PD, Prion likepathogen pd prion-like condition-specificpd neurologypossible-disease-modifier
Root CanalPathogen, Root Canal, Root cause, Toxic burden, pathogen root-canal root-cause toxic-burdenroot-canal toxic-burdenpd neurology
CaffeineAutophagy, Neuroprotectiveautophagy neuroprotectivepd neurology
Hit shock effect, Sulforaphane, sauna, exercise in hot envDefault Protocol, Detox, Heat shock protein, Supplementationdefault-protocol detox heat-shock-protein supplementation protocols
The neuroprotective effect of coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10))CO-Q10, Neuroprotectiveco-q10-supplementation neuroprotective supplementationpd neurology
MPTPGeneraluncategorizedmptppd neurology
Cyrex ArreyResources, Testingresources testingpd neurology
leeches treatment ?Generaluncategorized
Longevity diet + Long fast (fmd), Intermintent fasting 5:2 16:8AD, Anti Aging, Autophagy, Default Protocol, Diabetes, Insulin resistance, Life style, Neuroprotective, PD, Stop and reversead anti-aging autophagy default-protocol diabetes insulin-resistance life-style neuroprotective pd stop-and-reverse condition-specific root-causeinsulin-resistancepd neurology
AutophagyAD, Autophagy, PD, ad autophagy pd condition-specificad pd neurology
Ketogenic Diet and LGIT diet vs plant based AtkinsAutophagy, condition specific, Default Protocol, Life style, motor functionautophagy condition-specific default-protocol life-style motor-functionpd neurology
kidny and liver supportDetox, Heavy Metals, Toxic burden, detox heavy-metals toxic-burden protocols root-causeheavy-metals toxic-burdenpd neurology
Organic food, treat the foodDefault Protocol, Detox, Life style, Toxic burden, Treat the fooddefault-protocol detox life-style toxic-burden treat-the-food protocols root-causetoxic-burdenpd neurology
Circadian rhythmDefault Protocol, Life styledefault-protocol life-stylepd neurology
Light and magnetismDefault Protocol, Generaldefault-protocol uncategorized
RadiationDefault Protocol, Generaldefault-protocol uncategorizedpd neurology
Leaky gut, gluten, grainDefault Protocol, Testingdefault-protocol testingpd neurology
Bredesen Recode protocolAD, condition specific, Diet, Protocolsad condition-specific diet protocolspd neurology
Biofeedback NeurofeedbackMind bodymind-bodypd neurology
Wim Hof MethodAutophagy, Default Protocol, Mind body, Pathogenautophagy default-protocol mind-body pathogenpd neurology
dr marty hinz amino acid protocolPD, Protocols, Supplementationpd protocols supplementation condition-specific
Robert Lustig dopamine serotonin interactionGeneral, PDuncategorized pd condition-specificpd neurology
Mitochondria supportAnti Aginganti-agingpd neurology
Infection causing chronic disease, treatment optionsanti viral, antibiotics, aortic valve stenosis, Cardio Vascular, Default Protocol, Pathogen, PDanti-viral antibiotics aortic-valve-stenosis cardio-vascular default-protocol pathogen pd condition-specificpd neurology
Molds in house/bodyDefault Protocol, Pathogendefault-protocol pathogenmold
Reduce burden of non persistent (short half life) toxins with on going exposureDefault Protocol, Detox, Toxic burdendefault-protocol detox toxic-burden protocols root-causetoxic-burdenpd neurology
NLP -auto suggestionDefault Protocol, Mind bodydefault-protocol mind-body
Heat shock effectDetox, Toxic burdendetox toxic-burden protocols root-causetoxic-burden
Heavy metal Detox, Chealation, the cube, by Quick silver, Mercury, LedDetox, Heavy Metalsdetox heavy-metals protocols root-causeheavy-metals